We all know that we should maintain our hearing devices, just like we should maintain our homes and cars.  We want to get the Pic_Beautyshot_Audeo_Q_Family_Basic01_Smost out of our investments and we expect them to work for us for years.  Hearing are the top 5 worst habits to avoid:

  1. Cleaning the hearing aids at night.  When you first remove your hearing aids from your ears, you may see some earwax on the end.  Right away most people feel compelled to clear it away.  Unfortunately, the ear wax at that time may still be sticky and wet.  Attempting to clean it may leave the hearing aid sound port clogged because you actually helped push the wax in and seal off the sound.  Rather, you should leave the cleaning until morning.  By morning, any ear wax that is on your hearing aid will have dried and can easily be brushed away with a cleaning brush or tissue.
  2. Storing your hearing aids in the bathroom.  You should not keep your hearing aids in any place with excessive moisture.  The hearing aids are electronic devices and you can rust and short circuit the internal components by daily keeping them in the bathroom.  Keep your hearing aids in a dry, safe place up on a dresser away from small pets and small children.
  3. Wearing your hearing aids during your hair dresser’s appointment.  Sometimes people forget that while having their hair washed, their hearing aids can get wet.  Try to remember to remove your hearing aids and put them in a safe case before you have your hair washed.  Also, try to remember at the end of your appointment to cover your hearing aids from the hair spray.  Hair spray can create a clear coating over your microphones and stop the sound from getting into it.image_resize_311_310
  4. Only going to the audiologist when the hearing aids are not functioning properly.  Quarterly cleanings are necessary to keep your hearing aids working longer.  Also, by having professional cleanings, you may find at the end of the appointment that the hearing aids sounded louder than when you first walked in her door.
  5. Placing the hearing aids in a tissue.  Way too many times our office has received the call that someone’s hearing aids were lost because they placed them in a tissue and someone else came along and threw them away!  When you remove your hearing aids, be sure to place them in one of the carrying cases you received with the hearing aids.

Keeping your hearing aids functioning at their best will keep you functioning at your best!  Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.  Advanced Audiology Consultants, Oak Brook, Illinois 630-930-1025.

Dawn Heiman, AuD
Dawn Heiman, AuD

Dr. Dawn Heiman is an audiologist in private practice in Illinois, President-Elect of the Academy of Doctors of Audiology, the founder of EntreAudiology, and Adjunct Faculty at Rush University. For questions about hearing loss and hearing aids, contact Dr. Heiman at info@helpingyourhearing.com and get your questions answered before you make a costly mistake.